Media Subscriptions

All subscriptions offer flat fees with unlimited exchanges. Opening an account requires a photo ID and corresponding credit/debit card for the first transaction and to be kept on file. Certain titles may require a credit card on file to be checked out. Perks are cumulative (i.e. getting a three-month Level A subscription gets you the perks from both one month and three month subscriptions) , but not reissued per subscription renewal. Subscriptions will automatically renew on the same level if items are checked out at the end of the subscription period. Lost or damaged items requiring replacement will be charged to the card on file. Tax included on all prices.

Level A

• Two titles at a time (a miniseries or a TV show season counts as two titles)
• One optional authorized renter (with the ability to check out titles and attend subscriber events)
• Complimentary access to all subscriber events

One month: $20 (comes with a VU button and sticker)

Three months: $55 (comes with a VU Koozie)

Six months: $100 (comes with a VU ceramic mug)

Annual: $190 (comes with a VU t-shirt)

Level B

• Four titles at a time (a miniseries or a TV show season counts as two titles)
• Two optional authorized renters (with the ability to check out titles and attend subscriber events)
• Complimentary access to all subscriber events

One month: $40 (comes with a VU button, sticker, and a VU Koozie)

Three months: $110 (comes with a VU ceramic mug)

Six months: $200 (comes with a VU t-shirt)

Annual: $380 (comes with a VU hoodie or VU travel mug and a VU ceramic mug)

Level C

• Six titles at a time (a miniseries or a TV show season counts as two titles)
• Three optional authorized renters (with the ability to check out titles and attend subscriber events)
• Complimentary access to all subscriber events

One month: $60 (comes with a VU sticker, button, and ceramic mug)

Three months: $165 (comes with a VU t-shirt and a VU ceramic mug)

Six months: $300 (comes with a VU hoodie or VU travel mug)

Annual: $570 (comes with a VU hoodie and VU travel mug)